for Kn*bs: Novelty books & humourous gifts

Given your passion,
We take the p*ss

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Your Reference Guides

Satirising daily life. From work to your favourite hobbies, we highlight every what the f*ck moment.

Sarcasm & Self-Deprecation,

Our books are made for cynical pr*cks who also have interests and hobbies. Self-righteous bell*nds.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Hell no, those guys are kn*bs! Just joking of course, Dummies produce actually useful instructional reference books & guides. By contrast, for Kn*bs prefers a more light hearted take. These books take the piss generally out of instructional guides and 'one stop' guides to a topic, which are often without much substance. We provide books & gifts for those who are passionate about a topic, but who enjoy a lighter take at the same time. When you devote so much time to a passion, it's only right that you can see the lighter side of it at the same time.

Suggest a topic using the contact form on our website, and we'll see what we can do!

Our books vary in length, but most are between 100-200 pages long.